December 31, 2024, federal media decided to "cheer up" the public on the eve of the New Year. The same social engineering that I constantly talk about: somewhere they adjust the mood of society to positivity, somewhere they hide the truth, including turning on the "carefree mode" in people, and somewhere, on the contrary, they induce anxiety. Each process has its own goals! And all this is designed and predicted in advance.
So, right on the eve of the New Year, a piece of news from federal media appeared in all the "TOPs" of Russian news feeds.
Headline: "Russia's Supreme Shaman Promises a Bountiful Year".
Further quote:
"2024 is leaving, it was harsh — accidents, natural disasters, wars. 2025 will be the Year of the Snake. This means that the year will pass softly, calmly, without major accidents, without disasters. The snake crawls on the ground, protecting the earth. Therefore, even when, for example, there will be frosts in January-February, they will not be severe. There is no danger for the harvest either. In 2025, it will be good. We will harvest a lot of grain."
On New Year's Eve, people raise their glasses, thinking something like: "Well, if the shaman said so, then it must be true."
In reality, however, everything is completely different, and we are now entering a period of intensifying natural disasters. My assessment is based on the events of past years and numerous scientific studies by global scientists!
Scientists predict that 2025 may become a period of intensifying anomalies, mainly due to disrupted climate rhythms and increased solar activity. Simply put: people cut down ancient forests and disrupted the movement of "air rivers" along with it. Climate disruptions are beginning all over the planet! And under conditions of solar activity and cyclical climate regimes on the planet, ecosystems simply cannot protect themselves, cannot adapt to abrupt changes, leading to disasters.
According to scientific data, 2025 is expected to see the peak of the 11-year solar activity cycle. Naturally, this will lead to an increase in the number of sunspots and flares, which, in turn, may cause more frequent and intense geomagnetic storms on Earth.
Now imagine the picture. Ecosystems destroyed by humans, the air flows above our heads, real full-flowing rivers comparable (and sometimes surpassing) the familiar rivers on the ground in terms of water volume, cease to be drawn inland by ancient forests. This provokes water shortages and droughts. At this moment, increased solar activity literally burns out the damaged ecosystems, which will inevitably lead to devastating wildfires in Russia, Australia, Canada, and the USA, for instance. Meanwhile, in South American and African countries, water levels will drop, animals will have nothing to eat, there will be no water, and people, justifying it with "humanitarian necessity," will begin global development of protected areas.
We have already seen in 2024 how African countries officially announced the start of mass slaughter of wild animals in reserves to "butcher them for meat and distribute it to local residents."
According to scientists, in 2025, large-scale wildfires will hit countries like the USA, Canada, Spain, France, and Russia. Experts predict an increase in the area of wildfires, which will lead to the destruction of ecosystems, deterioration of air quality, and pose a threat to human lives.
In 2024, we saw this in Russian regions when people were even forbidden to go outside to avoid choking on wildfire smoke. Moreover, trees accumulate hazardous toxic substances for years while purifying the air. When they burn, all these substances are released into the air, making wildfire smoke extremely dangerous to health.
What else is possible in the new 2025?
There are already serious warnings about possible volcanic eruptions, floods, and hurricanes. For example, just recently, the underwater volcano Ahai in the Pacific Ocean showed signs of activity! To understand the problem: its eruption could lead to the formation of a giant tsunami threatening the coasts of Pacific Rim countries, including Japan, the Philippines, and the western coast of the USA.
Again, in 2024, volcanoes woke up in different parts of the planet, a "chain reaction" of activity also passed through the oceanic "Ring of Fire." This indicates that global geological processes are beginning on the planet! Most likely caused, again, by solar activity. The fact is that solar anomalies affect changes in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere. According to some scientific data, this can affect tectonic processes, including magma movement.
There is also gravitational influence — this is when, during a solar maximum, solar wind activity can change the Earth's dynamics. Research shows a statistical correlation between solar maxima and an increase in major volcanic activity!
Basically, you don't have to look far: we see an increase in solar anomalies in 2024, and at the same time, volcanic activity begins worldwide!
Therefore, in the new 2025, we are likely to see new peaks in solar anomalies, climate disruptions, and natural disasters. And there will clearly be more of them than last year.
Also, UN Secretary-General António Guterres previously stated that 2025 could become the hottest year in recorded history worldwide, with temperatures exceeding human endurance limits.
Accordingly, in poor countries, governments will rush to destroy the last nature reserves, which we are already seeing in African countries. Meanwhile, countries like Russia, the USA, and Canada will "fertilize" fields with even more poisons and chemicals to maintain the necessary crop volumes.
This will accelerate the extinction of animals at all ecosystem levels. As you know, in recent years, the fields in our country have been strewn with the corpses of tens of thousands of animals and birds. The situation is even scarier further: surface water washes the poisons into rivers, carries them to seas, killing life there. Moreover, the poisons seep into the soil, slowly poisoning everything alive, accumulating hazardous chemicals and preventing plant and animal species from recovering for a long time.
This material could continue for a long time, with detailed breakdowns of each problem! I see that in recent years, not only has the number of natural anomalies increased, but also the attempts of governments to encroach on the last corners of still living nature — its refugia! One such bill, our beloved Ministry of Natural Resources is trying to pass right now, is a law on total deforestation of protective forests in the mountains across the country for the sake of building tourist clusters.
Another law is on total deforestation of forests around Lake Baikal, as well as many other completely dangerous bills, many of which have already been adopted.
As for the words of the "Supreme Shaman on New Year's Eve" — a good sedative procedure for society so that during the holiday people do not dwell on problems and firmly believe that everything is actually fine and there are no problems!
This is especially interesting in the context that the Year of the Snake referred to by the "Supreme Shaman" is according to the Chinese calendar, not the traditions of our Tuva, whose religious organization the "Supreme Shaman" represents.
I respect shamanism; I was born and raised in the remote mountains of Altai and have been familiar with our traditions since childhood. But only if these are indeed traditions based on cultural roots. In traditional shamanism, there is no and has never been any connection to the Chinese zodiac.
Tuva shamanism is based on its ancient notions of the world, nature, and spirits, while the Chinese calendar is associated with astrology and philosophy.
I don’t like when people are deceived. Hiding the truth and facts is also unequivocally a lie.
In reality, for us, it is essential first to identify the "pain point," point out where it hurts, rather than turning away from the problem, which can very well grow into a fatal disease of the entire organism!
We need to find where it hurts — and heal the ailment. We must be able to face problems and not be afraid to take steps to solve them.
This is the lot of strong people.
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