Posted At 2025-02-02

Can birds be fed white bread? And where did the myth that they can’t come from?

Pavel Pashkov

We have been carrying out a project for many consecutive years to feed overwintering birds in the wild, which are extremely lacking in food resources. And every year, thousands of people from all corners of the country participate in our work!

In order not to harm nature, we make hearty grain feeder balls that are safe for ecosystems, leave no litter, and are capable of providing the necessary sustenance for overwintering birds.

In my methodological guide, I briefly touched on the topic of bread for birds. I personally never use it because I don't see the point! However, I emphasized the main conclusions for those who will follow the methodological guide:

  • Black bread can be dangerous specifically for small forest birds.

  • White bread is not dangerous, but it's better to give it only in dried form.

  • Fresh bread (especially in large quantities) is not recommended due to the lack of useful nutrients for birds.

In other words, the main conclusion is that bread can be used as a binder in the same grain balls, but in small doses and with the addition of other components.

The conclusions are based on the opinions of ornithologists around the world: bread is not good food for birds, but with proper use (dried, in small doses, with additives), it does not pose a deadly threat.

And yet, there has long been a myth in society that birds cannot be fed bread at all! And this myth is the so-called “duckling syndrome” — a cognitive bias effect in which a person becomes attached to the first object or experience they encounter. In other words, whatever one first heard “somewhere” is taken as the truth. Moreover, as a rule, “duckling syndrome” usually manifests itself in the denial of other alternatives, even if they are more convenient and objective.

This is precisely the mass “duckling syndrome” in society regarding feeding birds with bread.


As I wrote earlier — birds can be fed white bread, while black bread can indeed be deadly for forest birds. The fact is that rye bread contains a lot of acids (especially lactic and acetic) that cause fermentation. These acids can cause digestive disorders in birds, as their digestive system is not adapted to digest acidic food.

In addition, once rye bread enters the bird’s stomach, it begins to ferment. This leads to bloating, pain, and a possible fatal outcome.

But as for white bread — that is a myth! Birds can be fed with it. Such bread does not offer them high nutritional value, but it is definitely not dangerous.

Here is a comment by the Head of the Department of Bioecology at the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University, Ilgizar Rakhimov:

«We don’t know a single case of a bird dying because it ate bread. What kind of absurdity is this, allegedly that birds can’t be fed bread? Bread is a grain product. For birds that eat seeds and grains, such as sparrows and pigeons, bread is ordinary food. They peck at the bread, everything is fine. Not a single duck, which is fed bread on the Bulak or Kaban rivers, has died from choking on bread. Where did this myth come from? It’s better to give bread crumbs so that birds don’t die from cold and hunger, than to give nothing at all»

This is the correct opinion of a normal specialist who clearly understands what he is talking about.

Here are the comments of Candidate of Biological Sciences, Research Associate of IERiZh, Ural Branch of RAS, and member of the Ural Ornithological Society, Nina Sadykova:

«A large number of materials circulating on the Internet about feeding ducks contain several fundamental biological errors and have created a persistent, but largely unfounded myth that wild urban ducks are harmed by bread. This myth is widespread not only in Russia. It seems that its source is a 2008 statement by some representatives of the famous British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds that bread is not the most beneficial food for ducks.

You have to understand that Great Britain is the “country of triumphant birdwatching,” where almost all residents are bird lovers and experts. The scale of feeding wild birds there is not comparable to that in Russia, and there is a highly developed industry providing bird enthusiasts with everything necessary for attracting and observing birds, including “proper” mixes for feeding. The published statement did not in the slightest indicate any need to somehow restrict feeding wild birds with bread or that bread harms wild birds.

No facts confirming that bread can be fatal to wild ducks have ever existed.

If ducks really could not digest bread and crackers, which have formed and still form the basis of their diet in cities for at least the past 100 years, urban populations of waterfowl would have long since disappeared. But this is not happening. On the contrary, they are growing everywhere.»

The expert also mentions black bread:

«I don’t know where the idea came from about the deadly “swelling of the stomach” [from black bread]. Perhaps something similar sometimes happens with domestic poultry if they are fed only dry bread or other strongly swelling products, for example, peas, in a poultry house environment. But in wild urban ducks, the chance of dying from this is hardly great.»

Our opinions coincide here! By telling readers about the need to exclude black bread from the birds’ diet, I am specifically referring to forest birds, for some of which it can be dangerous.

There is a difference in the perception of black bread between forest birds and waterfowl (ducks, swans, geese) due to the differences in their digestive systems.

Forest birds (titmice, sparrows, woodpeckers, and others) have a short intestine and a very fast metabolism. They mainly feed on seeds, insects, and berries, and their stomach is not adapted to digest heavy, acidic, and hard-to-dissolve foods.

I carefully studied the data from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Britain — indeed, in 2008, they urged people not to feed birds bread, but only because of the low energy value of this product. The following year, they released a methodological guide urging people to use bread, but in small quantities.

At the same time, the main concern of ornithologists is usually that people throw moldy, spoiled bread to the birds! And this is the greatest and very real danger: spoiled food harms humans, birds, and all other animals. The same is true of spoiled grain, seeds, and other types of feed.

I will quote the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB):

«Birds can digest all types of bread, but ideally it should only be part of a varied diet. Bread does not contain the necessary proteins and fats that birds need, so it can be a filling without much nutritional value. While bread is not harmful to birds, try not to give it in large quantities, as its nutritional value is relatively low.»

However, the myth that birds cannot be given bread has spread through the global media, and people started to widely believe it as if it were a reliable scientific fact. It reached the point where people stopped feeding birds altogether, which led to actual bird starvation even within city limits — from hunger in frosts.

For example, in 2019, the British swan protection organization Swan Support published several articles urging people to come to their senses and not stop helping birds!

Their publication in major international media was titled «Please continue feeding swans bread,» experts beg, as birds are dying following a viral campaign claiming it’s harmful to them».

Let me quote a few excerpts:

«The Queen’s official Swan Marker, David Barber, stated that there is “no good reason” not to feed swans bread, and that many of them suffer from insufficient weight due to the ban.»

«Charities are documenting the heartbreaking consequences of this misguided campaign, finding ever more swans severely underweight or dying of starvation, including in Edinburgh.»

«Unfortunately, yet another swan was affected by the ‘ban bread’ campaign. It was severely underweight, weighing only 4 kg. When our rescuers arrived, they were met by several local residents who said they’d been told to stop feeding the swans bread.

It died of hunger. It died en route. The lake it was in has little natural food, and they depend on what people feed them.»

«Please, if you have always fed them bread, please do not stop. It’s better than nothing. We are not posting this to argue. We are simply stating the facts.»

«Swans have been fed bread for many hundreds of years, and this has caused no negative consequences. While bread may not be the best food option for swans compared to their natural diet, such as river weeds, it has become a very important source of energy for them, supplementing their natural diet and helping them survive the cold winter months when vegetation is scarce.»

I also want to mention an interesting scientific study conducted in 2016 by veterinarians in Amsterdam. I studied it a few years ago! The scientists found that 68% of all food given to birds by city dwellers is bread.

The study is called “Nutritional consequences of feeding free-living birds in public urban areas”

I liked their work; the specialists were very competent and examined not only the impact of feeding on the health of birds but also how it affects species diversity, among other factors. The study itself was conducted on street urban birds, i.e., the ones that live next to people.

Essentially, the scientists’ conclusions are the same — there is no harm from bread! The main thing is that it should mostly be accompanied by nutritious products, preferably the birds’ natural diet. Also, as I mentioned in my methodological guide, it is important to provide birds with SUPPLEMENTARY FEED and not supply them with food entirely, otherwise the birds may become accustomed and refuse to look for food in their natural habitat.

That is why we place our grain feeder balls randomly in the wild, imitating natural biological rhythms — the complexity of ecosystems! Our grain feeder balls are “stash spots” for birds and small animals, allowing them to survive the frosty winter.


Thus, comrades, birds can be fed bread and there is no danger from this product. Generally, ornithologists’ warnings relate to overeating when there are no other nutritious foods besides bread, or to using spoiled products. Also, when it comes to feeding forest birds, I certainly recommend completely excluding black rye bread! This is due to the specifics of forest birds’ digestive systems.

I have come across statements by inexperienced ornithologists about the dangers of bread, which often refer to the same myths. Unfortunately, people remain people, and for the most part many are subject to “duckling syndrome”! And a much larger number of people simply lack personal experience.

Fortunately, I have such experience and I share it with you! I also always try to support knowledge only with scientific data from specialists and scientists who not only have theoretical experience, but also extensive practical experience. I call such people “workers on the ground.”

Our grain feeder balls consist only of genuine and very beneficial ingredients for forest birds. And if you add white bread to them, be sure to dry it, check that it’s fresh, and use only a little bit as a binding element.

There is definitely nothing harmful in it for our feathered friends!


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