Posted At 2024-09-22

Russia Plans to Pass a Law for the Deforestation of PROTECTIVE FORESTS

Pavel Pashkov

I don't know what's happening. But it's something terrifying and simply unimaginable! In the past two years, the authorities, in conjunction with businesses, have rushed to 'develop' the last protected areas of wild nature, as well as pass bills for large-scale killings of wild animals.

Just want to remind:

• Right now, they are trying to pass a bill for mass deforestation in Baikal.

• Right now, they have already started deforesting the Lago-Naki Plateau in Adygea, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

• In the summer of 2024, they tried to pass a bill to legalize the shooting of bears hibernating in dens throughout the winter.

• In the summer of 2024, they proposed abolishing the country's protected area system and handing over the management of protected areas to the regions with the right to change boundaries and abolish them as they wish.

• In the summer of 2024, they tried to allow the shooting of animals without quotas and restrictions for 'threat to agriculture and hunting grounds.'

• Right now, they are trying to pass a bill to legalize the killings of endangered species 'in exceptional cases' (including population control) listed in the Red Data Book.

Meanwhile, the exploitation of wildlife is growing ruthlessly, and recreational sports (trophy) hunting is increasing, with a third of all public forest lands already transferred to private hands under the 'murder industry.' Hunters are being enticed from around the world to regions, offering to kill animals 'all-inclusive.'

Simultaneously, the market is being flooded with 'wild meat,' organizing the supply of delicacies from wild animals even to the shelves of the largest chain stores.

It's a 'celebration of life' of some sort, considering that according to scientific data, since the 1970s, humans have exterminated 70% of all living species on the planet, destroying ecosystems. Right now, we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction of animal species, and scientists are urgently calling for the protection of the last wild areas.

And here we are, while fighting for the last remnants of wild nature, defending the right of the biosphere to Life, new bills are being passed at the same time.


Now, for the sake of building new resorts in the country, they will be cutting down PROTECTIVE FORESTS. Bill #145734 is currently under active consideration and is expected to be passed. Very timely, considering that they are 'developing' the last reserves of the country! They will be able to carry out mass deforestation even in PROTECTIVE FORESTS.

In early September, it became known that through their public organization 'Opora Russia,' businesses publicly appealed to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Economic Development, asking for permission to conduct mass deforestation of protective forests for the construction of tourism clusters. They stated that current restrictions hinder the implementation of over 260 major projects with a total amount of 300 billion rubles!

Just imagine the scale of 'commercial interests': they demand to carry out mass deforestation of PROTECTIVE forests for the construction of resorts worth hundreds of billions of rubles.

Mass deforestation is proposed to be allowed for the construction of infrastructure, and segments of protective forests will also be repurposed for recreation with the construction of boarding houses and sanatoriums. Moreover, the limitation on the maximum area of ski trails and cable cars in forest areas will be lifted.

In general, they aim to 'expand' to the maximum: with massive exploitation of the most valuable protective forests in the country. Currently, the bill is being finalized to be submitted to the State Duma and passed. It is personally advocated by the Ministry of Economic Development, which states that the measure to 'develop' protective forests will increase domestic tourism in the country!

'The initiative will increase the number of new investment projects, making this direction even more attractive for entrepreneurs,' says the ministry.

To understand: protective forests are those in the top category of importance, ensuring the preservation of flora and fauna, and also surrounding cities, providing environmental protection to local residents.

Many did not note that the primary threat is to mountain ecosystems! These are precisely REFUGIA-SHELTERS of wild nature, points of ecological system self-recovery. I wrote a separate article about this: due to the global destruction of wild nature, many species of flora and fauna can only find refuge from humans in hard-to-reach areas, usually in mountain refugia.

Thus, the bill is aimed not just at 'development' of these wild nature shelters, but at conducting MASS DEFORESTATION of PROTECTIVE FORESTS.

Some quotes from the bill:

'In mountain forests, construction, reconstruction, major repairs, commissioning, and decommissioning of capital construction facilities, which are part of ski complexes, are allowed.'

'In protective and operational forests, selective and mass logging of forest stands for the erection of non-capital buildings and structures, which are part of ski complexes, are allowed.'

'Transfer of land plots from the forest fund lands provided for recreational activities in accordance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation to land of other categories is prohibited, except for land plots provided for the creation of ski complex facilities.'

What follows from the bill?

• They will allow mass deforestation.

• They will allow the deforestation of PROTECTIVE FORESTS.

• They plan extensive 'development' of mountain wild nature refuges.

• They will legalize the transfer of land from the forest fund to other categories for the creation of ski complexes.

In reality, all this can be summarized in one sentence: it's about extracting colossal profits. They are openly stating the amount of 'vested' interests — over 300 billion rubles just at the stage of resort project construction.

Today, more than ever, it's difficult for us to oppose those who seek to exploit wild nature. But if earlier we fought for vast ecosystems, today we are trying to defend bit by bit the LAST SHELTERS OF NATURE.

Here's a new bill! Protective forests are to be cut down. The attacks are on mountain refugia. They permit 'massive' deforestation. This bill fits perfectly into the global development of ancient forests in Baikal, where they are currently pushing to reduce the conservation status and legalize mass logging. Our people, the defenders of the Lago-Naki Plateau, also report that additional logging is already planned under this bill.


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