Posted At 2025-01-04

Is it true that people will be fed with manure and larvae?

Pavel Pashkov

Even in 2023–2024, all the media wrote about plans to launch in Russia the first enterprises that would make «superfood» for people and animals from such waste as manure, droppings, and fish leftovers. They planned to start production already in 2025, that is, literally in the coming months, they promise to start feeding people with «the food of the future».

To make it clear what this is about, I will give quotes from the media. One of the federal publications is «Komsomolskaya Pravda».

Headline: «Murmansk Region Will Be the First in the Country to Produce Superfood from Manure and Droppings»

«In Murmansk, a company that has received the status of a resident of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation will open the first production of superfood from organic products: manure, droppings, fish waste. 300 million rubles will be invested in the Arctic Industrial and Production Technology Center, and it will be put into operation in 2025»

«The final product can be used in different areas, including as an active additive in animal feed or as a superfood for people performing special tasks with high intensity and physical-psychological stress, including in harsh environmental and climatic conditions, as well as those undergoing or preparing for rehabilitation procedures».

Essentially, they promised to fine-tune such production in the Murmansk region in 2025, then copy the experience and integrate it into other enterprises in the country.

So what is going on? Will people really be fed with «food made of crap»?

In fact, a similar experiment was conducted back in 2011, when Japanese scientist Mitsuyuki Ikeda from the Okayama Laboratory managed to create «artificial meat» from sewage. He extracted proteins from treated sludge (including human feces), then processed them to create a semblance of meat. These proteins were mixed with soy and flavorings to obtain food raw materials for further «burger patty molding».

In fact, this discovery was not hidden by anyone; it instantly received publicity in all the world’s media, including such «media giants» as CBS News, Forbes, and Ars Technica.

Then this technology began to be very actively studied by governments in different countries of the world, with direct interest from global food manufacturers. These are the ones who control the world food market! And NASA also began actively working on «food from crap» to find ways not only to utilize human excrement but also to learn how to process it into food. This is due to plans for long-distance space flights in the future!

And while NASA is looking for ways to provide food for members of space missions, on Earth large transnational corporations are looking for ways to create new spheres of monopolization in order to increase profits and reduce the cost of any production!

«Food from crap» is one of these directions.

After the Japanese scientist turned «crap into a cutlet», TNCs rushed to study this topic as deeply as possible! What if the waste in sewers is actually the «new oil»? What else can be made from them besides «cutlets»?

In 2015, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation presented its discoveries to the world. They introduced the Omniprocessor installation, which was developed by Janicki Bioenergy. This installation is capable of processing human feces into drinking water, electricity, and ash! That is, according to the foundation’s data, people can get water and electricity, as well as fertilizer for agriculture, from their own crap.

Bill Gates himself publicly showed that he drinks water from under the Omniprocessor. Thus, he tried to show how deep the processing of human crap can be in the modern world!

The world has moved on!

Since the same 2011, many companies have openly started growing black soldier fly larvae on human waste in African countries, in China, and in the Netherlands. They grow larvae specifically on human crap, then dry them, grind them, and use them as a high-protein feed for fish or livestock.

This is exactly what became the main trend in the world under modern capitalism! In a world of competition for profit — whoever is the fastest to come up with opportunities to earn money — can monopolize this sphere and thus concentrate the main flow of money. Therefore, if there is some promising but little-studied area, big capital quickly flows into it! This is due to the colossal competition for profit among transnational corporations.

This is exactly what we are seeing now.

If human crap can already be turned into clean water, electricity, and fertilizers, then in terms of profit, sewage really becomes the «new oil». And if you can also monopolize the food industry worldwide, it is a real gold mine!

Therefore, having seen how effective it is to produce food for animals from fly larvae and other insects, TNCs asked the question: «Is it time to feed people with this?».

Here is the main problem. The Japanese scientist’s experiment in creating meat from crap is very expensive, and there is little profit! Extracting proteins, mixing them with other ingredients, all of this takes a lot of time and money, and it is not profitable for big business.

Therefore, the idea of using black soldier fly larvae was invented. Why process something ourselves if there are larvae that eat crap? And what’s the difference, selling a product from crap or advertising the benefits of «pure protein» in the form of a fat larva to consumers? The main thing is profit!

Add genetic engineering so that the larvae are twice as large! Disrupt their hormonal balance so that they grow twice as fast. Add antibiotics to the crap to kill all pathogens and other organisms! Sprinkle heavily with «fertilizers» that speed up growth. In the end, you get huge fat larvae, many of which will be the size of a palm!

What to do next?

Larvae need not only to be offered on the market as a ready-made product, but also added as raw materials to all sorts of food products. Little by little. This will allow the mentality of society to be completely changed, because if someone suddenly rises up and says: «I won’t eat this», — you can respond: — «Actually, my dear friend, you’ve been eating it for a very long time in sausage and even in bread, where we add a pinch of larvae raw materials».

It is also necessary to refer to environmental protection in order to push such production forward! And we are talking about the environmental protection that these same TNCs have destroyed over the past decades. It is precisely their fault that global destruction of ecological systems is taking place in the world.

And in addition, at the start of introducing the «new feed base», it is necessary to present it not as ordinary products but necessarily as a «superfood for super-people».

In all kinds of advertising, show that such food is eaten by famous people, cosmonauts, and athletes! The first batches should be protein for those engaged in fitness, for athletes, powerlifters. The second batch should be aimed at the military, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and various special services. It should be presented as «elite food for elite people».

For ordinary consumers, heroes in action films, «super-spies» in Hollywood movies, CIA special forces units operating in heroic battles in poor African or Eastern countries, making their way through deserts and rescuing hostages, should demonstratively eat such food: they definitely need to eat a «larva bar».

I think I have expressed the overall picture of what is happening quite enough. A new «feed base» is being introduced all over the world! And in our country too. It has already become the norm, I really see that a huge number of people support such initiatives. And in doing so, they support the same global TNCs that have been poisoning people for decades, creating dangerous ersatz products and destroying entire ecosystems for this purpose.

Why did someone suddenly decide that they now care about people and will refuse to increase profits by reducing production costs? We are not talking about a «larva in the wild, surrounded by virgin forests», which a bird eats. We are talking about industrial giants that will produce larvae in exactly the same ways they previously used to produce other forms of food.

At the end of the material, I will give a brief chronology of how this is developing in our country! A chain that many miss.

  1. October 2021: In Russia, they began discussing the possibility of using insect protein in the food industry. The first production lines were tested in the Moscow region and the Stavropol Territory, where it was planned to add insect flour to pasta, baked goods, and other products.

  2. 2022 — Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov called on the Russian people to work on their mentality and evaluate fly larvae meat. I will quote in full:

    «It is truly surprising when larval protein from the black soldier fly is used worldwide, and we, as I said, keep up with the times here. Perhaps we need to work a little on the mentality of all of us here, and the black soldier fly may 'go over'. But we need to try. Although, probably, a person adapts to everything, including such things»

  3. Already on October 10, 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed Order No. 2761-r on the introduction of products from the «black soldier fly» in the country. According to the law, it is now possible to produce coarse and fine flour, larvae fats, pellets, larva puree (chilled or frozen), as well as other products. It is also allowed to breed black soldier fly eggs and use larvae (chilled, frozen, and live) as a finished product.

    This is now an official agricultural product.

  4. In October 2023, a public scandal arose; people stated that for such a huge country with a very small population, there is no need to eat larvae.

  5. Immediately after this, the authorities needed to «muffle» the outcry, and the department «Rosrybolovstvo» issued an official statement. I quote verbatim:

    «Due to the fact that in the media and social networks the adopted decision is disseminated in an incorrect interpretation (as permission to use this product in the composition of food products intended for citizens), we inform you that this interpretation does not correspond to reality. The adopted measure is necessary to expand the feed base of agricultural animals and fish»

  6. After which the scandal was hushed up, and society receded.

  7. But already in November 2023, the media reported that Russia plans to set up the production of products with the addition of cricket flour. Manufacturers from the Moscow region and the Stavropol Territory began testing lines for the production of pasta, baked goods, and other products using insect protein.

    That is, companies already moved from the 2021 plans to direct implementation!

  8. December 2023: Russian consumers got access to the first domestic insect-based food products. A cricket farm from Stavropol began producing fried cricket snacks, which went on sale at the end of the month.

  9. January 2024: Scientists from Saratov developed a way to make delicacies from black soldier fly larvae, planning to use them to create new dishes in the human diet.

  10. 2024: The media massively announced that food products, including bread, would be supplemented with raw materials from flies and other insects.

    Citing the media «RBC»

    «It is reported that the company has already released a trial batch of preserves with the addition of the Black Soldier Fly. With its help, the shelf life of the product can be extended from about two months to six months — the larva fat acts as a preservative, as it contains no free radicals and does not oxidize.»

    «Getting used to the idea that this is normal and even useful should happen gradually. And when people feel the effect of this fly on an everyday level, notice that they get sick less often, they will be much calmer about perceiving insects in medicines and food products,» the head of the organization is convinced.»

    «Scientists have determined the proportion — a couple of grams of protein from a defatted insect per 1 kg of flour for bread baking. With this recipe, the process of maturing yeast and yeast-free dough can happen twice as fast. At the same time, the finished bread keeps longer and does not spoil for five to seven days if you do not cut into the loaf.»


I will return to the beginning of my material about the fact that in 2025, «superfood» from manure for people is starting to be produced in the Arctic zone. Most likely, this is about growing larvae based on manure and other waste products! And it is exactly from them that food products for people will be made.

Transnational corporations and governments around the world have found a «happy medium» for using the «new oil» — it is raising larvae based on sewage. First, they will do it on manure, but after «public acceptance», they will start producing it on sewage! This process is inevitable, and in poor African countries, for example, they have already worked out the production of products on «human crap» for pets.

Now food products are gradually being introduced for people as well.

It should also be noted that, apart from the use of various substances and genetic engineering in the cultivation of larvae, the waste products of humans and animals themselves are dangerous. Everything that «comes out» of us is dangerous substances that the body expels.

Along with our excrement, pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria (Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Clostridium), viruses (rotavirus, parvoviruses), protozoa, and parasites (Cryptosporidium cysts, helminth eggs) are excreted. One can also include Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, hepatitis A and E, noroviruses.

All the medications we or livestock have taken, including antibiotics, hormones, analgesics, and antivirals, also come out. Heavy metals such as zinc, copper, mercury, lead, and others are excreted.

In any case, to get rid of pathogens, companies will have to use a huge amount of antibiotics, which will lead not only to the larvae becoming resistant to them, but also to the larvae themselves being thoroughly saturated with antibiotics! All of this will be in the final product.

Pathogenic microorganisms, which can also enter the human body, can remain in and on the larvae. Larvae also perfectly carry helminth eggs (for example, Ascaris or hookworm) and accumulate toxic substances, including all heavy metals.

In general, when I studied this topic in detail, I obtained several scientific papers on larvae and had a clear understanding: larvae are like sponges for all the most dangerous substances and pathogens, which in any case will enter the human body! And if there are any minimal deviations in the stages of purification during production, this will lead to the most severe health problems in people.

Perhaps we will see an acceleration of oncology, chronic serious diseases, and new genetic-level diseases specifically in our children in the future!


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