We are talking about global environmental problems, calling on the government to solve them comprehensively, and we ourselves, by our own efforts, are trying to achieve changes. In fact, today—even simply voicing some problems or facts—is becoming difficult! We face active resistance both in society and in the state administration system.
But why all this? Why can't everyone—together—protect our own habitat, unite and try to solve global problems that threaten not only us, but our future generations, and all life on Earth?
Strife, bickering, constant squabbling from all sides. Pitting society against itself over political and social differences! An immune system that devours itself instead of fighting diseases and protecting life.
I have already talked about global problems repeatedly! Including in our Concept of Territories of Complete Ecological Tranquility (ТПЭС). The most important thing, and what needs to be addressed first, is the destruction of animals: over the last 50 years alone, humans have exterminated about 73% of living species. Moreover, the main blow is to genetic diversity: the planet already needs at least 5–7 million years of evolution to try to restore the animal world.
And honestly, I sincerely do not understand: why, having all the scientific assessments, including data resulting from meta-studies by world scientists, are we still not uniting to protect Life?
Our struggle in Russia sometimes seems isolated. But it’s not! It’s exactly the same for nature defenders all over the world. Moreover, the scientific community has been trying to get through to governments for a very long time, but without success. Even the “titans” among environmental organizations, covering the whole world, cannot influence the problems!
The modern world is ruled by transnational corporations and states that serve their interests—together they form a unified capitalist system based on consumption and constant profit growth. The main problem is that the primary task of capitalism is to “hook” consumers on something disposable, so that people have the need to “buy-buy-buy” literally every day.
Cars—where every few thousand kilometers you must change all the oils, fluids, as well as parts designed to break down after a certain time.
Single-use plastic—so that people take bags, cups, and products in single-use packaging every time. Moreover, it is made so short-lived that people have to buy all this future trash every day.
Medicine—when people are hooked on drugs that cause addiction, and chronic diseases are deliberately provoked. As a result, patients become lifelong clients for pharmaceutical giants!
And everything else is built exactly on this! That’s how capitalism lives.
Parts—to the trash. All toxic oils, antifreeze fluids, and coolant from cars—are dumped into ecosystems. Plastic—also to the trash, and since it’s deliberately made very short-lived, it quickly breaks down into billions of nano and micro particles in nature, destroying all living things. Medical drugs—are discharged into the sewer system, including along with the waste that comes “from patients.” Hormones, antibiotics, and other filth. Packages, jars, sprays—all go to the trash.
But all this has become so customary that people don’t even pay attention!
Transnational corporations make billions. States “regulate” the relationship between “business and customers,” taking their share of the billions! And people simply live in ignorance, getting used to the defects of the existing model of governance in the world so much that even just realizing the problems becomes impossible for the vast majority.
And amid all this madness—we are trying to awaken people and influence the problems. Along with us, all over the world, many associations and organizations are trying to do the same! Including the academic community—a huge number of scientists who unite and conduct meta-studies. They collect evidence of a global environmental collapse.
But how do we reach the management system? How can we at least “slow down” their predatory approach?
Scientists are trying! They are working on scientific research not only about how our world is being destroyed, but also on “formulas” of changes for state systems and corporations.
If there are any problems, we need to understand how to measure them. And since we live in the era of capitalism, we also need to understand the “profitability” of nature conservation—what can nature provide us? This too must be measured somehow for those same politicians, many of whom can only see “reports in numbers.”
And here I want to introduce you to a new scientific work carried out by a group of international scientists. This work is fresh, so few people know about it yet, published on January 15, 2025.
It’s called “The Contribution of Wildlife to People’s Lives”—just like that. Although it would seem, what could be simpler than understanding the importance of wildlife for people, right?
But this study, and the fact that scientists HAVE to explain even such basic things to people in the form of separate scientific works, indicates the extreme degradation of awareness within our society.
And also—the main focus of the study is precisely on the scientific and political community, which is just as “far” from realizing the importance of nature conservation.
I won’t retell the scientific work; I will publish the original study at the bottom of the material so that you can read it yourself!
In turn, I want to highlight a few quotes from the authors of the study, to understand what it is about.
“The latest WWF ‘Living Planet’ report shows that since 1970, vertebrate populations that are monitored have decreased by an average of 73%
<…> These numbers demonstrate a loss of genetic diversity, which weakens wildlife’s resilience to climate change, diseases, and habitat loss. A decline in the population of individual animal or plant species can disrupt entire ecosystems, with far-reaching consequences for people and the economy
<…> If people do not realize the full range of values that wildlife offers our society, including sometimes ‘invisible’ benefits, they may overlook the actions needed to protect it. We must consider the role of wildlife in ecosystems and the impact of its disappearance on human well-being in conservation policy and management,” says Becky Chaplin-Kramer, WWF’s Lead Scientist for Global Biodiversity.
“The value of wildlife goes beyond physical indicators, such as a kilogram of meat or a ton of stored carbon. It’s something spiritual, and interacting with wildlife can bring people a lot of joy and strengthen their connection to nature,” says Robin Naidoo, one of the co-authors of the study.
I studied the scientific work—it’s actually a very interesting approach. Scientists literally say that it is not possible to get through to politicians and corporations! They simply refuse to see the problems. Therefore, scientists took a different path and made a separate scientific work on how important wildlife is for people!
In their study, scientists call on politicians to start connecting wildlife with the advantages it gives humanity, to build a modern political system (management system) on preserving these very advantages.
In other words: if you do not want to just protect nature, then at least protect the benefits that are profitable for yourselves! Those services that nature provides to humans.
Does this fit into the goals of the capitalist paradigm?
As far as I understand, scientists are first trying to “play by the rules of capitalism,” suggesting physically calculating the PROFIT from preserving the benefits that nature gives us. This indicates that nature protectors and the scientific community worldwide also see a complete lack of any interest from governments in anything other than money.
What else I liked about the scientific work is that scientists actively highlight the existing gaps in the possibilities of conducting meta-studies: large-scale monitoring and modeling.
This especially concerns what we literally talked about recently: proposing the Government to implement a Unified Digital System for monitoring and protecting tigers in the country. So, scientists are EXACTLY TALKING ABOUT THIS—that for real nature conservation to be achieved, it is necessary to develop satellite technologies, neural network algorithms, environmental DNA, acoustic sensors, and other breakthrough technologies.
That is, specialized professionals, world scientists, understand the importance of moving to a new stage of science development and interaction with nature! Otherwise, we risk crossing the “point of no return,” where the destruction of ecosystems will lead to our own extinction.
That’s the scientific work.
File Download the scientific work (PDF) 4,5 МБ
In general, those who have read this material to the end are amazing people—you’re a rarity.
I study the scientists’ work and see that they are simply doing their utmost to somehow influence the modern political system—and society as well. But despite all the evidence base, it is extremely difficult to budge the indifference and unwillingness to see the problems.
But they try!
And I also know that materials like this one I have prepared for you are read by very few. But I believe that step by step—we will change the world for the better.
Help spread this material! Tell your friends and acquaintances on social networks—maybe, bit by bit, heart by heart, we can awaken those whose thirst for life and knowledge is far higher than destruction and chaos.
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The hardest thing in our time is to remain independent from government and business! All activities are carried out independently. Stand with us and support our Mission to protect wildlife.
I want to support!The Concept of TEPT
The world is experiencing the sixth mass extinction of species, with humans having wiped out up to 73% of animals, while the problems remain unresolved. We propose a solution — the Concept of Territories of Total Ecological Peace. Learn about the Concept and become part of our fight!
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